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  • Marriage markets in China
  • nahyun | 2020.08.11 09:09
  • Marriage markets in China



















    What do you think happens in marriage markets in China?

    Have you heard of marriage markets?


    Every Sunday in Beijings Zhongshan Park, many parents and grandparents go tomarriage markets.” They go to advertise their childs eligibility as a potential marriage partner. They meet with other families to make meetings between their children.

    They make signs with information about their child and a list of what they need in a future partner. This includes education, possessions, and physical attributes. These can be owning a house and a car. It can be having gone to a famous university and what salary they should earn.


    Parents who had daughters who were 28, 29, and 30-year old were more concerned because of the concept of shengnü, or leftover womenin China.”

    Leftover women,”  is a derogatory word. It is for Chinese women who have failed to marry by the age of 30. This is despite higher income and education.


    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. Some of the answers are very close and have similar meaning. The meaning of these words is how they are used in the reading. Some of these words have different meanings in the dictionary depending on how they are used.

     The answers are below the table.


     eligibility A1 To qualify for something, to be able to compete or join, to pass 
     potential B2 Positive things about someone or something 
     possessions C3 Things that you own or have 
     attributes D4 An idea, to be able to see something in your mind that you have not seen before  
     concerned E5 To do something anyway even if not easy or possible 
     concept F6 To describe someone or something in a bad or negative way 
     derogatory G7 worried, anxious, possible problem 
     despite H8 Future possibility or opportunity  

    A=1, B=8, C=3, D=2, E=7, F=4, G=6, H=5


    Some example sentences using the new words or phrases from the meaning of how they are used in the reading to help you understand better.


    1. Congratulations! You are eligible to enter the next level.

    2. This young man has a lot of potential. He has learned in one year what others take 3 years to learn.

    3. When I die, I will leave all my possessions to my dog.

    4. One of the attributes of these people is that they are the tallest in Europe.

    5. I am concerned that you are wasting too much time.

    6. Before new technology is made it is a concept.

    7. You can not shame her with those derogatory words. She is a good person.

    8. Despite being poor, he worked hard and is now rich.


    Some questions using the new words/phrases. Try to use the words/phrases in your answer.



    1. What things make someone eligible to be a good marriage partner in your country?

    2. What things do/did you look for as a potential partner/friend/boy or girlfriend?

    3. How important are physical possessions to you? Why?

    4. What physical attributes do you want in a romantic partner?

    5. Why would Chinese parents be so concerned for their child/children?

    6. Is there some similar concept in your country or culture? Describe.

    7. How do you feel about the derogatory phrase “leftover women.”

    8. Despite your thinking or beliefs, can you understand these Chinese parents?

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