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  • Science tells us reasons why laughter is the best medicine
  • jskim | 2019.05.20 09:48
  • Science tells us reasons why laughter is the best medicine



    Why do you think laughter is healthy?

    Do you laugh a lot? How could you laugh more?


    We know that laughter is one of the best ways for decreasing stress. And science backs that up. Research about laughter shows that laughter is a potent drug. It has the contagious power that does many good things for our minds and bodies.


    Laughter is a potent endorphin releaser. Laughing with others puts out endorphins into the brain. Endorphins are our feel-good chemicals. The more of these chemicals in our brain the healthier we are. Laughter is a positive drug.


    Laughter makes us closer to other people. The endorphin effect explains why laughter is so contagious. It spreads a feeling of closeness and safety. Each person’s brain triggers good feelings in the other people’s brains and we feel good. It’s like a game of endorphin dominoes. That’s why when someone starts laughing, others will laugh even if they don’t know what everyone is laughing about.


    Not all laughter is the same. There are differences in how we perceive funny things. For example, joyous laughter is different to laughing at other people or gag laughter. Each type of laughter connects different parts of our brains. What this means is that laughter helps grow strong connections between parts of the brain. This is because our brains work to understand what type of communication is happening.


    Laughter is important for relationships. Women laughed about 126% more than men. But men seem to instigate laughter the most. That is interesting because it shows how relationships are made and kept. Women think that humor is a top-three positive trait for a man. And men often think that women who laugh a lot (i.e. laugh at men’s jokes) are more interesting than those who don’t.  So couples who laugh together say they have better relationships.


    Laughter has an effect similar to drugs to reduce depression. Laughing causes the same brain chemical that drugs use to decrease depression.


    Laughter protects your heart. Nobody knows exactly why this happens. But it seems that laughing reduces stress and decreases the chemicals that cause heart problems. Regular, strong laughter should be part of every program to reduce heart disease.



    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. Some of the answers are very close and have similar meaning. The meaning of these words is how they are used in the reading. Some of these words have different meanings in the dictionary depending on how they are used.

     The answers are below the table.





    backs that up



    Very strong, powerful




    Proves, is evidence, proof, supports an idea or thinking, to support something or someone else




    An action that causes something to happen




    A small action that causes a bigger one to happen, an action that starts something




    Something typical or usual in someone or something




    A chemical in the brain that makes us feel good/positive




    How we think about or view something, our opinion or view on a subject




    Easily spreads from one person to the next like cold or sickness


    A=2, B=1, C=8, D=6, E=4, F=7, G=3, H=5


    Some example sentences using the new words or phrases from the meaning of how they are used in the reading to help you understand better.


    1.     The pollution over the city is backed up by the pollution reading which shows a lot more chemicals in the air.

    2.     Stay inside because the storm will be potent.

    3.     If you are sick please wear a mask because your cold is contagious.

    4.     I love running, it increases the endorphins in my brain.

    5.     Seeing my high school teacher triggered many good memories.

    6.     Most people perceive Gangnam Seoul as a place full of plastic surgery and the best schools.

    7.     The government’s plan to increase tax on alcohol instigated a lot of anger.

    8.     A trait of people from that city is they like to cheat people.




    Some questions using the new words/phrases. Try to use the words/phrases in your answer.


    1.     Does your experience of laughter also back up today’s story? Give an example.

    2.     What other things are potent for making us feel happy or positive?

    3.     If laughter is contagious then what other feelings are contagious? Does this change your perception about who you should spend time with?

    4.     What things do you do to increase the endorphins in your brain?

    5.     What triggers laughter for you?

    6.     Are you good at instigating jokes and laughter? Describe someone you know who is.

    7.     What are your positive traits? What do you want to be positive traits in your life?

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