Culture Story
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  • Social Networking
  • eckedu | 2011.02.15 02:05
  • Social Networking
             In recent days we’ve witnessed the power of social networking sites. Today I watched the news and saw the fall of the autocratic leader Mubarak in Egypt. And last week, I watched the movie The Social Network about the founder of Facebook; Mark Zuckerberg. In Korea we have Cyworld, which has been a runaway success in terms of market saturation – I find it hard to find a younger Korean that doesn’t have a Cyworld account.
             In the case of Egypt, the government tried in vain to control Facebook where part of the current revolution started. Through this social networking site Egyptians were able to synchronize meetings, opinion and discussion. And here in Korea the Lee Myung Park government had to backtrack and change from playing hardball on issues and be more consultative. It would seem that sites like these have given a voice to common people and now governments have had to sit up and take notice.
    Choose the number that is closest in meaning to the word/phrase in the reading
    Everybody has a product/service. No more room for new sales.
    runaway success
    Someone who tells people what to do harshly. Not consulting the opinion of people
    market saturation
    Perfect timing. Everything organized to happen at the same time.
    In vain
    Do something with a great effort, but without reward or payment
    Not easy, very hard to negotiate with, not give concessions
    to backtrack
    Citizens are able to give their opinion in public or a government
    playing hardball
    Be aware because of a shock/surprise
    a voice to common people
    Return, give up, defeat on something.
    Sit up and take notice
    Something has become popular like a craze or mania.
    A=2, B=9, C=1, D=4, E=3, F=8, G=5, H=6, I=7
    Questions to strengthen your understanding
    1.     Describe an autocratic leader. When would an autocratic leader be ideal or productive? When not?
    2.     What kind of communication product has been a runaway success in the last two years? Why?
    3.     If someone has been on a diet and not been successful, then it seems that the diet was in vain. Do you agree? Have you ever done something in vain?
    4.     Before smart phones, cell phones had reached market saturation? Agree or disagree with this statement.
    5.     People in the army have to synchronize their watches. Why?
    6.     Why did Egypt’s president backtrack? (He said that he would stay in power until September elections) Can you give an example of another situation when someone had to backtrack?
    7.     Give an example of playing hardball in negotiating.
    8.     In the reading above, what gave a voice to the Egyptian people? What gives a voice to Korean people today? And how is it different than 40 years ago in Korea?
    9.     On Valentines Day, how could you make a woman or man sit up and take notice of you?
    Some sentence examples using the new vocabulary
    During the 1960’s Korea needed an autocratic leadership style such as Park Cheong Hee.
    Smart phone sales have been a runaway success, with a market penetration of 40% already. There is still a long way until smart phones reach market saturation.
    Three hundred died in the Egyptian demonstrations, but it was not in vain because the president quit.
    I will meet you here at exactly 1220pm, so let’s synchronize our watches now to exactly 8am.
    Once a company signs a deal it is almost impossible to backtrack.
    The union is playing hardball, they are refusing to change their demands, they want a 5% pay increase.
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