Culture Story
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  • Fitting Into a New Culture
  • eckedu | 2011.10.07 11:08
    Fitting Into a New Culture
    Some questions before you read to help you to think about the subject
    Do you know what a chameleon is?
    What do you  already know about making yourself more comfortable living in a new country and culture?
    If you’re going to live and work abroad then you need to learn something about that culture and way of doing things if you want to get along with others. Essentially, you need to be a cultural chameleon. A chameleon is a kind of lizard that can change its color to suit the circumstances in order to hide itself. The same goes for us, when we work in a company we need to observe and follow the ways that others do things, the way they eat, dress, perhaps even what things they do in their spare time. By doing this, you can fit in with those we work with and gain their trust and respect.
    One obvious area is how we speak. For example, Scandinavians have a deep respect for pauses in a conversation and don’t feel that every gap in a conversation must be filled with speech, whereas the French hate silence and use short sentences. And then if you’re talking with Americans, they may want you to get straight to the point and find it irritating if someone’s speech is indirect and talks around in circles before getting to the point. When I look back on my time living in Korea, I wish I had been more tuned in to how things happened earlier, then I would have got along with life a lot quicker.
    Guessing the meaning of words from context.
    Match the words on the left with the phrase that most closely matches it on the right. The answers are below the table. These phrases are useful to learn  and use in everyday speech.
    get along
    Not different
    suit the circumstances
    Match well with a situation/s
    the same goes for us
    Annoy bother
    fit in
    Indirect, speaking in a way that takes a long time to reach a conclusion or the main idea
    get straight to the point
    Be direct, (but not rude)
    Understand, know what is happening
    talks around in circles
    Harmony, comfortable with
    tuned in
    Compatible, not strange
    A=7, B=2, C=1, D=8, E=5, F=3, G=4, H=6
    Some questions to help you use the new words/phrases
    Try to answer using the new vocabulary/phrases.
    How well do you get along with your coworkers?
    What kind of person would suit your work/school circumstances?
    Do you agree that foreign employees should follow all Korean cultural thinking in a company? In other words, should the same cultural rules or expectations go for them as for a Korean employee?
    What should a new employee/person do to fit into an organization you know well?
    In what circumstances would it be okay to get straight to the point? Do you agree with the reading? Why or why not?
    Are there some things that irritate you about another culture?
    Do you think you ever talk around in circles?  Can you describe someone like in the reading?
    How can you become more tuned into what is expected in a new culture?
    Some example sentences using the new words/phrases
    At first I found it hard to get along and understand a new culture, but when I could understand why they did thing, then my life was a lot better.
    When I first came to Korea, my direct way of talking didn’t suit the situation or the circumstances for where I worked and so I had to learn to adjust my attitude.
    I’m not happy about the heavy traffic situation, but I know the same goes for many people in many busy cities in the world.
    Once I learned how to fit into living here then I could really enjoy life.
    One of the most irritating things about summer is the mosquitoes at night.
    When I have done something wrong that could make my girlfriend angry, then I might talk around in circles to avoid telling the exact truth, but she is smart and demands that I get straight to the point.
    The interesting thing about psychologists is that they are tuned into what people are trying to say.
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