Culture Story
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  • British Communication Styles
  • eckedu | 2011.10.25 04:23
  • British Communication Styles
    Before you read. Some questions to help you to think about the topic.
    What do you know about British communication styles?
    Have you ever done business with a British person?
    In business, the British think that directness is open confrontation and fear that bluntness will offend the other party
    The British are almost Asian in their use of diplomatic language. Almost alone in Europe, (with the possible exception of the Belgians), they strongly place diplomacy before directness in communication. Being very non-confrontational in business situations, the British believe that directness is open confrontation and fear that bluntness will offend the other person. This can often cause British to seem evasive in meeting situations when they are really searching for a way of saying something negative in a positive way.
    In addition to being diplomatic, the British also use language in an indirect or coded manner preferring to say unpalatable things using more acceptable, positive phrases. Thus, "I disagree" becomes "I think you have made several excellent points there but have you ever considered...." And a lack of interest in an idea is often greeted with, "Hmm, that's an interesting point."
    Humor is virtually all-pervasive in business situations. Indeed, the more tense and difficult a situation is, the more likely the British are to use humor. This does not imply that the British are not taking the situation seriously - it is just that humor is used as a tension release mechanism in the UK and helps to keep situations calm, reserved and non-emotional. Never underestimate a British businessperson because he or she uses humor in what seems to be a serious situation. Humor is a very important and respected communication tool at all levels and in all contexts.
    It is better to be self-deprecating than self-promotional in the UK. People who are verbally positive about themselves and their abilities may be disbelieved and will, almost definitely, be disliked.
    Guessing meaning from context
    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. The answers are below the table.
    Not easy to eat or accept something
    Being direct without thinking about what the other person thinks or feels
    To suggest in a non-direct way
    Something that helps to take away stress or anxiety/pressure
    Something we use to make ourselves or some message understood
    tension release mechanism
    To make jokes about ourselves, to make ourselves seem less important. Opposite of saying “I am the best”
    communication tool
    Trying to avoid something
    Something that is not good but is everywhere
    A=2, B=7, C=1, D=8, E=3, F=4, G=5, H=6,
    Some discussion questions using the new words to help you better understand their meaning and correct use. Try to use the words in your answer.
    How do people in your culture feel about people who are blunt?
    Do you think that it is sometimes good to be evasive in business or when talking to people? Why?
    What kind/s of food do you find unpalatable? What kinds of people?
    Describe something  that is pervasive in Korea that you dont like.
    What does some brand symbol imply to you?
    What tension release mechanisms do you use because of stress?
    Would you agree that the Internet has been the best communication tool? Why?
    How do people in your culture feel about self-deprecating humor?
    Some example sentences using the new words to help you to better understand their meaning.
    We have to learn good communication skills when communicating with other cultures, or they may think we are too blunt.
    Politicians are famous for answering questions in an evasive way.
    I wouldnt like a job of telling someone bad news, news that is unpalatable.
    Where Im from many younger guys drink too much alcohol, it seems to be pervasive in my part of the society.
    He implied that I was too slow by saying, we could finish this job already last year.
    For me, one the greatest tension release mechanisms is making a joke at the beginning of a presentation; it really relaxes me and the people who will listen to me.
    Facebook has been a great communication tool for catching up with old friends from high school.
    I made a self-deprecating comment by saying that my jokes are always bad or not funny.
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