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  • Dating Body Language
  • ECK교육 | 2015.02.23 13:59
  • Dating Body Language


    Before you read: some questions to help you think about the topic and the words you might need.

    What good body language do you know for dating?

    What bad body language?


    Recognize the body language


    Wondering why your date didn’t call after your amazing first date? You may not have picked up on their body language. These unspoken hints are often not obvious but your subconscious mind sees them.  There are telltale signs a date is interested in you or not. There are a few simple body language things you can use to judge if your date likes you without wasting your time guessing how they feel.


    Nervous or not interested in you – how can you know?

    The first date body language is all about context, that is the situation. It’s normal to be a little nervous, and this usually can be seen in our body language and most people expect you to be a bit nervous. So, if a date is fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, crossing arms or sweating a lot, show red colors on their neck (females) don’t immediately think that they are not interested. You might just need to give them a little more time to relax. Some people get more nervous than others on a first date – be patient and let them have the time they need to get comfortable. The fact they are nervous shows that they care enough to want to impress you. Of course they might also be cold, so it will impress them if you ask if they are comfortable. If you’re on a date in a place they are not comfortable with, this will also show in their body signals. If you’re feeling like they are projecting feelings of discomfort, then suggest you both move on to another activity that is better. On the flipside, if you’re nervous or uncomfortable yourself, it’s okay to speak about these feelings to a new date. They may be feeling exactly the same way…it may even help make them feel less nervous!


    Raised eyebrow

    If you blink, you might miss this body language. However, a raised eyebrow is one of the most powerful telltale signs that a man or woman is interested in you. When first meeting, a person will raise his or her eyebrows for half a second if they like you. This action makes you look at the person’s face, so you can see their other features, like their smile. It’s a welcoming, inviting gesture or body language movement. Pay attention to this on first meeting your date, and when it happens, you’ll know they’re interested.


    Pointing their feet away from you

    If a person likes you, they’ll want to be closer to you. All parts of the body should ‘lean in’ towards you, especially the feet. If their feet are pointing away from you, or even at another person, they are sending subconscious signals that they’re not interested. Be aware of your own feet on a first date too; if you like the person, make sure you’re sending out positive body language too by putting your best foot forward.





    Look carefully at your own body language. If your date is interested in you, they may copy the way you stand and your face movements. Humans are empathetic naturally, and we copy the people we like to feel closer with. When a date copies your signals or even your voice changes can be a sign your date is feeling comfortable with you. You should also try copying your date if you’re interested. It’s an excellent way to build trust and understanding with your potential partner almost immediately, without having to communicate this in a spoken way.


    The eyes speak

    We may have all the body language hints in the world decoded by psychologists, but the eyes are still important for finding out whether a person is attracted to you. Both sexes subconsciously open up their pupils if they like someone. This is a sure hint they’re interested, as bigger pupils are hard to pretend! If a date is interested in you, they’ll keep eye contact with you. If your date is bored or not interested, they’ll usually look around the room, trying not to look in your eyes.

    Be aware of your own eye contact too. Keeping eye contact while on a date sends a signal to them that you’re interested in what they’re saying. Try to keep your eyes looking at them when speaking to them too. By not making eye contact often sends a message to people that you’re dishonest, untrustworthy or don’t have self-confidence – something that is sometimes seen as unattractive.



    First dates are nerve-wracking for most, if not all people, so it’s okay if you’re picking up a few negative messages from your potential partner. Most people aren’t body language experts, and so it’s only natural that people subconsciously communicate a variety of emotions without knowing it. But by knowing some of the obvious signs, we can reduce the unpleasant, and increase the wanted body language that leads to more successful first impressions. If your date shows signs of being uncomfortable, give them time to become comfortable with the environment and…you! Good luck!


    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. Some of the answers are very close and have similar meaning. The meaning of these words is how they are used in the reading. Some of these words have different meanings in the dictionary depending on how they are used.

     The answers are below the table.


    picked up



    Hints or signals, indications

    telltale signs



    To show outward or obviously, not hide




    To feel or show feelings that you understand someone’s difficulty




    To get knowledge of




    Anxious, very worried, scared

    putting your best foot forward



    The opposite view




    To make your biggest effort to succeed




    To translate, to discover the hidden meaning of something




    To move nervously


    A=4, B=1, C=9, D=2, E=6, F=7, G=3, H=8, I=5

    Some example sentences to help you understand the meaning.


    1. I picked up from his accent that he had lived in America a long time.

    2. Dark clouds are a telltale sign that it is going to snow.

    3. When I am nervous doing a presentation I fidget with my fingers, so I try to hide them now.

    4. When you are speaking to people you can project a nice feeling by smiling.

    5. The air ticket at Lunar New Year was expensive, but on the flipside the holiday was cheap.

    6. If you want to succeed then you can put your best foot forward by studying and preparing a lot.

    7. My friend failed the exam, so I showed my empathy by taking her to lunch.

    8. We are trying to decode the North Korean secret messages.

    9. Waiting outside to go into the Korean SAT test is nerve-racking for most students.






    Some questions using the new words/phrases. Try to use the words/phrases in your answer.

    1. After reading today’s story, what body language do you think you will pick up better now?

    2. Can you think of any other telltale signs that someone likes you or is not interested?

    3. Do you fidget when you are nervous? How do you fidget when you are nervous?

    4. When you want to make a good first impression, how to you project a good image?

    5. flipside

    6. On a date, what advice would you give to someone to put their best foot forward?

    7. How do you show empathy to someone in your culture? Is it different to other cultures?

    8. Are some cultures harder to decode (their body language) than others? Give examples.

    9. Describe one of your most nerve-wracking experiences.












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