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  • Gifts You Should Not Give a Chinese Person
  • hsg | 2017.02.20 09:10
  • Gifts You Should Not Give a Chinese Person



    Pre discussion questions

    What gifts do you think would be bad to give a Chinese or Korean person?

    Why would they be bad?




    1. Sharp Objects — Cut Off Relationship

    Giving somebody a sharp object insinuates that you want to cut off your relationship with them. A common Chinese saying goes "one slash and its in two parts." This means the end of a relationship between people.

    2. The Number 4 — Sounds Like Death

    In Chinese, the number four sounds similar to the word for death. So, anything with the number 4 is believed to be unlucky.

    That is why there is no floor four in some buildings and hotels, for example.

    3. Shoes — Evil

    Shoes are a bad idea for a present for Chinese New Year because the word for 'shoes' sounds exactly like a word for bad luck or 'evil.’ On top of that, shoes are something that you step on, and so are not good gifts.

    4. Handkerchiefs (a handkerchief is a small towel people carry with them to wipe away tears or to clean a face) — A Symbol of Saying Goodbye Forever

    People usually give handkerchiefs at the end of a funeral. Handkerchiefs are a symbol of saying goodbye forever. Giving someone a gift like this insinuates you are saying goodbye forever, and stopping all connection.

    5. Clocks — Bad Luck

    In Chinese, saying 'giving a clock' sounds exactly like the Chinese words for 'attending a funeral event’ and so it is bad luck to gift clocks or watches. 

    On top of that, clocks and watches also symbolize the running out of time. This is especially true for seniors. Giving a clock or watch as a gift is the biggest no-no in Chinese culture.

    6. Pears — Parting

    Giving fruit is a good thing, but pears are taboo. This is because the Chinese word for 'pears' sounds the same as the word for leaving or 'parting.’

    7. Cut Flowers — Presents for Funerals

    Cut flowers are usually presents for funerals. So do not give them on Chinese New Year! This is especially true for Yellow Chrysanthemums and any white flowers, which mean death. White is an unlucky (funeral) color in Chinese culture.  

    8. Umbrellas — Break Up

    Umbrellas are a bad idea to give as gifts, because the Chinese word for 'umbrella'  sounds like the word for 'breaking up.’ Giving somebody an umbrella may insinuate that you feel your relationship with them has fallen apart.

    9. Black or White Objects — Often Used in Funerals

    Black and White are important colors in funerals, so don’t give presents that are mostly black or white.  Red, however, is believed to be a happy color for happy events. So red is always a great choice for envelopes, or gifts.

    10. Mirrors — Attract Ghosts

    Mirrors are a bad idea for gifts throughout many places in Asia. It is believed that mirrors attract ghosts. On top of that, they are easily broken and breaking things is a bad omen.



    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. Some of the answers are very close and have similar meaning. The meaning of these words is how they are used in the reading. Some of these words have different meanings in the dictionary depending on how they are used.

     The answers are below the table.















    To stop, to remove

    cut off



    You must not do, totally forbidden

    On top of that



    A symbol of something,




    A sign or hint of something bad

    running out of time



    To finish or stop a relationship/friendship




    Soon there will be no more chance or opportunity

    breaking up



    To suggest (usually in a negative way), to accuse




    In addition, also



    A=7, B=1, C=8, D=3, E=6, F=2, G=5, H=4


    Some example sentences using the new words or phrases from the meaning of how they are used in the reading to help you understand better.


    1.      The teacher insinuated that he cheated.

    2.      You need to cut off from talking with that man, he is bad.

    3.      We lost a lot of money on this deal, on top of that, we could not sell the business either.

    4.      The center circle on the Korean flag symbolizes ying and yang.

    5.      We are running out of time to finish this project.

    6.      You must not go into that place, it is taboo.

    7.      I was so sad the first time I broke up with her.

    8.      Those black clouds are an omen of bad weather.







    Some questions using the new words/phrases. Try to use the words/phrases in your answer.

    1.      Do any of the gifts in the story insinuate the same in your culture?

    2.      What would make you cut off a relationship with somebody? Why would you break up with somebody?

    3.      On top of the things in the story, are there any other things that would be bad gifts in your culture?

    4.      What numbers or letters symbolize good or bad luck in your culture? Why? What would be taboo?

    5.      Do you feel that sometimes you are running out of time to finish things?

    6.      Are there some omens that a relationship is not good with somebody?








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