Speaking TIP
게시글 수  |  365             관련 강좌 수  |  169
  • [OPIc] 여행 5
  • Emma | 2016.08.10 14:36
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc


    #308. OPIc ( 여행 5 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    이번에는 여행과 관련된 중 직접 질문하기유형에 해당하는 질문을 함께 알아보겠습니다. ‘직접 질문하기는 면접관에게 직접 질문을 하는 것이죠. 예를 들어서, “I also like to travel abroad. Now, ask me three or four questions about my trip” 이라고 질문이 출제되면, 면접관에게 실제로 직접 질문을 하는 듯이 몇가지 질문을 하고 “Oh, I see”, “That sounds interesting” 등과 같은 맞장구를 답변에 포함하여 말하는 것입니다. 이 때, who, what, where 등과 같은 의문사 의문문과, Could you tell me~? “I’d like to know~ “ 와 같은 간접 의문문의 형태를 함께 사용한다면 더 좋겠습니다.


    [ 유용한 표현 직접 질문하기 ]

    What’s the weather like? 날씨는 어때요?

    itinerary 여행 일정표


    , 그렇다면 예상 질문과 함께 답변도 준비해 볼까요?


    [Q] I’m planning to go to New York. Ask me three or four questions about New York.


    [Model Answer]

    Wow, I didn’t know that you were planning to go to New York. That must be so exciting! Can you tell me why you decided to go there? Do you have any friends or relatives living there? Oh, I see. ! What’s the weather like in the city at this time of year? Oh, really? Then, you can probably enjoy a lot of outdoor activities! I know that New York is so famous for Broadway Musicals and museums. Have you made your itinerary? Where do you want to visit the most in the city? That must be good! How long are you going to stay there? For a whole week? Sounds great! I’ve always wanted to have a chance to visit New York. I hope you have a great time during your trip and have a safe flight!

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