Speaking TIP
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  • TOEIC Speaking]Part 3. Respond to questions
  • eckedu | 2011.06.02 01:59
  •  #9. [TOEIC Speaking] Part 3. Respond to questions (3) -15초 답변 연습

    ◆ 의식주 관련 질문 연습

    식사 및 간식과 관련된 질문은 빈번히 출제되는 주제입니다. 이러한 질문에 대한 답변은 각자의 식습관을 떠올려 그대로 대답하세요!
    우선 우리가 주로 간식으로 먹는 것부터 살펴 볼까요?

    <간식 종류>
    cookies and milk 쿠키와 우유
    a slice of cake 케익 한 조각
    some bread and coffee 빵과 커피
    sticky rice cake 떡
    fresh fruit such as apples, grapes and oranges 사과, 포도, 오렌지 등의 신선한 과일

    Q 4) How many snacks do you eat per day?
    → how many snacks 이므로 “간식 얼마나 먹는가” 의 질문 파악하기, 즉, 간식의 양!

    (모범 답안)
    I eat some snacks before lunch once a day, but I don’t eat too many snacks because I don’t want to lose my appetite before a meal.

    Q 5) When you feel hungry, what find of food do you like to have for a snack?
    → what kind of food 이므로 “어떤 종류의 간식” 문제.

    (모범 답안)
    When I eat some snacks, I usually eat fresh fruit such as apples and oranges,  or cookies with milk. Sometimes I also eat sticky rice cakes and they are good snacks because they not only appease my hunger but also are good for health.
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