Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 거주지 소개하기 질문 및 답변 (2)
  • eckedu | 2011.07.22 03:27
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc
    #8. 거주지 소개하기 질문 및 답변 (2)
    거주지 소개 관련 3단 콤보 질문 중 두 번째 질문을 함께 살펴볼까요?
    첫 번째 질문에서 자신의 집을 전체적으로 묘사하였다면, 두 번째 질문에서는 보다 구체적으로 자신의 방을 묘사하라고 출제될 수 있습니다.
    앞서 설명한 거주지 소개 전략과 마찬가지로, 자신의 방에 무엇이 있는지 위치에 따라 설명하고, 그 물건의 용도 및 색깔, 그리고 마지막으로 자신의 느낌으로 마무리하면 되겠죠?
    그렇다면, 방에 있는 가구 및 용도를 어떻게 영어로 묘사하는지 함께 살펴보겠습니다.
    1) desk – It’s a dark brown wooden desk / A lot of books are stacked on the desk /
             There is a lap top on the desk and I spend my time working on the computer.
    2) bed – The bed sheet is white with blue stripes /
    When I feel tired, I like to take a rest in my bed
    3) closet – There is a big white closet with two drawers/
              It’s big enough to keep all my clothes
    4) dresser – I have some cosmetics on my dresser /
    I spend about 10 minutes to put on some make up every morning.
    그럼 이제 질문과 모범 답안을 살펴볼까요?
    Q] Please describe your room. What does it look like? What is there in your room? Tell me about it in as much detail in possible.
    Model Answer]
    When you open the door, you can first see my desk on your left. It’s a dark brown wooden desk which my father bought me 10 years ago. It’s pretty old, but I still use the desk since it’s very practical and sturdy. A lot of books are stacked on the desk, so it looks a little messy. Also, you can see my lap top on the desk and I spend my time working on the computer for my homework in the evening.
    Next to the desk, there is my single bed. The bed sheet is white with blue stripes and it is always made. When I feel tired after studies, I like to take a rest lying on my bed.
    Opposite the bed, you can see a white closet. It’s big enough to keep all my clothes and that’s what I like about the closet.
    In my room, there is a window and it gets a lot of light during the day. So, it’s very bright and I feel really cozy and comfortable when I’m in my room.
    공감 비공감
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