Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 자기 소개하기 질문 및 모범답안
  • eckedu | 2011.07.05 01:05
  • #3. 자기 소개하기 질문 및 모범답안  
    앞서 설명한 자기소개 전략에 따라 모범 답안을 만들어 보겠습니다.
    Please tell me a little bit about yourself.
    Model Answer]
    My name is Sue and I’m in my late 20s. I’m living with my family in Seoul and there are four in my family including my father, mother and younger sister. I’m a senior majoring in Chemistry at 한국 university. I’d like to work for a big company after graduation, so I’m preparing an English Proficiency Test to be a qualified candidate when I apply for a position at a company. I have an outgoing and sociable personality, so I like to meet new friends. Since I can get along with people, I really enjoy hanging out with friends in my free time. Also, I’m an energetic and active person. That’s why I like doing outdoor activities such as riding a bike, going mountain climbing and traveling in my country. Whenever I have a chance, I try to take a trip with my friends or family, and it’s one of my favorite things to do. I am positive and optimistic, so I try to have a positive attitude when I run into any trouble or problems. That spirit makes me confident and helps me be able to achieve my goals.
    , 그럼 여기서 중요한 표현을 살펴볼까요?
    1) There are four in my family  저희 가족은 네 명 입니다
    2) prepare an English Proficiency Test 영어숙달도 시험을 준비하다
    3) get along with ~와 어울리다
    4) hang out with ~와 함께 어울려 놀다
    5) outdoor activity 야외활동
    6) It’s one of my favorite things to do  제가 하기 좋아하는 일 중의 하나입니다
    위의 모범답변에서 보이는 자기소개의 순서 및 전략! 바로 이름 및 나이 -> 사는 곳 -> 전공 -> 성격 및 취미를 어떻게 논리적으로 이어갔는지 꼭 확인해두세요.
    또한, 단답형의 단순한 문장 연결이 아니라, 부연설명을 덧붙여서 알차고 논리적인 하나의 스토리로 이야기하는 방법을 위의 모범답안을 통해서 잘 배워두시길 바랍니다.
    공감 비공감
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