Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 이웃 소개하기 질문 및 답변 (3)
  • eckedu | 2011.09.09 11:35
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc
    #17. 이웃 소개하기 질문 및 답변 (3)
    안녕하세요 여러분,
    이번에는 이웃 관련 질문 중 자주 출제되는 세 번째 질문과 답변을 살펴보겠습니다.
    출제 빈도가 굉장히 높은 질문이니 꼭 여러분의 답변을 만들어 기억해 두세요!
    Q) Please tell me about something memorable that you had with your neighbor. When was it? What happened? What was it so memorable?   
     => 이웃과 함께 했던 기억에 남는 일을 설명하는 질문입니다. 어떠한 일들이 있었나요? 역시나 앞선 이웃 소개 전략 칼럼을 먼저 확인해야겠네요
    Model Answer)
    Last winter, we had a heavy snow and the whole town was covered by beautiful snow. Even though it was so beautiful just to watch the snow, it was very dangerous to walk on the icy trails and roads, so the residents decided to come out and clear the snow together.
    Since it was cold and freezing outside, I didn’t feel like going out there at first. However, I decided to help my neighbors to shovel the snow and went outside. When I got outside, I was pretty surprised because so many residents were already there trying to clear the snow. Some children were just so excited about the heavy snow and went sledding on the hill. We all together tried to shovel the snow and also had some fun with making snow men and having a snow fight. It was so fun! Even though I was exhausted from shoveling the snow for about an hour and playing in the snow, I felt great! After clearing the snow, one lady invited people to her house and treated us hot coffee. It was very nice of her and I got to know more neighbors over coffee. That’s why it was s0 memorable to me. I’ll never forget the experience that I had with my neighbors last winter.   
    , 답변을 잘 확인하셨나요?
    기억에 남는 일을 설명하는 경우에는 위와 같이 시점부터 밝히는 것이 좋습니다. 언제 있었던 일인지 이야기 한 후 하나의 스토리를 시간의 흐름에 따라 풀어나가는 것이죠. 이때 단순히 사건만 나열하는 것이 아니라 중간 중간에 자신의 기분이나 느낌을 넣는다면 더 자연스러운 답변이 됩니다. 위 답안에서는 처음에 눈 치우러 나가기 싫었던 감정을 언급하고, 나중에는 재미있고 좋았다는 느낌으로 마무리 하고 있죠? 특히, 기억에 남는 일을 이야기할 때 좋은 답변의 마무리 멘트는 바로 그 날을 절대 잊지 못할 것이다랍니다. 잘 활용해보세요.
    그렇다면 핵심 표현을 함께 살펴볼까요?
    1) heavy snow 폭설
    2) feel like ~ing  ~하고 싶은 기분이 들다  
    3) shovel 삽으로 퍼내다
    4) make a snow man 눈사람을 만들다
    5) have a snow fight 눈싸움을 하다
    6) I’ll never forget the experience 나는 그 경험을 절대 못 잊을 것이다.
    공감 비공감
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