Speaking TIP
게시글 수  |  365             관련 강좌 수  |  169
  • [OPIc] 여행하기 질문 및 답변 (2)
  • eckedu | 2011.11.11 03:58
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc
    #36. 여행하기 질문 및 답변 (2)
    안녕하세요 여러분,
    여행하기와 관련된 또 다른 질문을 알아보겠습니다..
    Q). Can you describe one of your favorite trips ? When and where did you go? Who did you go with? Why was the trip so memorable? Tell me in as much detail as you can.
    => 여행 중 가장 좋았던 여행을 설명하라는 질문입니다. 누구와 언제 어디로 갔는지를 답변에 포함하고 그 여행이 좋았던 이유를 꼭 설명해야겠네요. 여러분의 여행 경험을 상세히 답변에 담아야 겠습니다!
    Model Answer)
    My favorite trip I took was to 경주. I went to 경주 with my friends from college about a year ago. It was my first time to visit 경주, so I was very excited. 경주 is a historic city which is filled with many tourist attractions such as 석굴암 and 불국사 temple. I could take a bus to look around the city, but I wanted to explore the city more. So, my friends and I rented bicycles and we traveled the city by bike. It was so fun! The weather was sunny and warm, so it was perfect for bike riding in the city. we visited a lot of tourist attractions and took pictures. My favorite part of the trip was that I got to see many tombs of kings from 신라 dynasty and learned more about the history. Also, we tried local food and spent a night in a traditional house called 한옥. It was a great trip and I would recommend you to take a trip to 경주 someday.
    위 답변에서는 경주로 여행갔던 경험을 이야기하고 있습니다. 우선, 누구와 언제 갔는지 설명하고, 그곳이 좋았던 이유를 다양하게 담고 있죠. 자전거를 빌려 타고 다닌 것과 역사적인 도시 경주에서 왕릉을 직접 보고 역사를 더 배울 수 있었다는 점을 좋았던 이유로 들고 있네요. 언제 꼭 한번 가보라는 마지막 당부도 잊지 않고 있죠!
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