Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 돌발주제 – 계절 (2)
  • eckedu | 2012.04.03 09:10
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc
    #50. 돌발주제 계절 (2)  
    안녕하세요 여러분,
    이번에는 우리나라의 계절과 관련된 또 다른 예상문제를 함께 알아보겠습니다
    각 계절마다 우리나라 사람들이 즐겨하는 활동을 설명하는 문제인데요, 여름의 대표적인 여가는 바로 수영이죠. 수영을 하러 바다에 갈 수도 있고, 수영장이나 워터파크에 가기도 합니다.
    겨울의 대표적인 활동은 스키나 스노우보드  타러 가는 것이라고 말할 수 있겠네요. 따라서 겨울이 되면 특히 주말에 스키장으로 가는 고속도로가 정체가 심하다는 점을 덧붙여 이야기해도 좋겠습니다.
    그렇다면 봄, 가을은 어떤가요? 날씨가 좋기 때문에 이 두 계절에 즐겨하는 활동은 비슷하답니다. 따라서 한꺼번에 같이 언급하세요. 등산, 공원가기 등과 같은 활동을 이야기하면 훌륭한 답변이 되겠네요.
    그렇다면 예상 질문과 답변을 함께 살펴볼까요?
    Question) What kinds of activities do people enjoy in each season? Why are the activities so popular in your country?
    Model Answer)
    In my country, people enjoy a lot of different activities in each season. In spring and fall, the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. People go mountain climbing in spring and fall because of flowers or colored leaves. There are some famous big mountains in Korea such as Mt.설악 and Mt.지리. Cars are bumper to bumper on the roads to the mountains when the weather is nice and sunny in that season.
    The number one activity in Summer is swimming. People go to a swimming pool, sea and even water parks to enjoy swimming in summer. These days, more and more people also enjoy other water activities like wake board and water ski.
    In winter, skiing and snowboarding are the most popular activities especially among young people. Ski resorts are packed with people during winter and we can see even little kids skiing or snowboarding in the resorts.
    I think my country has beautiful four seasons that people can enjoy different activities in each season.
    공감 비공감
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