Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 치과 2
  • hsg | 2016.09.12 17:13

  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc

    #316. OPIc ( 치과 2 )

    안녕하세요 여러분, 치과 방문 경험 중 ‘불편했던 경험’을 묻는 질문에 대한 답변을 준비해 보겠습니다.
    충치 치료를 위해서 치과를 가기도 하고, 사랑니를 뽑으러 가기도 하죠. 이번에는 사랑니를 뽑았던 경험을 답변으로 만들어 볼까요?
    우선, 사랑니는 영어로 무엇일까요? 흔히 ‘love tooth’라고 생각을 하지만 영어로는 ‘wisdom tooth’ 입니다.
    사랑니는 나이가 어느 정도 들고 나서 제일 마지막에 나는 이에요. 나이와 들어가며 사람의 지혜도 커져 간다는 맥락에서 사랑니는 영어로
    ‘wisdom tooth’라고 한답니다. 꼭 기억해 두세요!

    [ 유용한 표현 – 치과에서 불편했던 경험 ]
    I’ve been always afraid to~ ~하는 것은 항상 두려웠다
    The treatment costs too much. 치료 비용이 너무 많이 든다
    postpone my appointment with~ ~와의 약속을 연기하다
    have a wisdom tooth pulled out 사랑니를 뽑다
    have no other choice but to~ ~하는 것 외에는 다른 선택의 여지가 없다
    I almost cried. 울 뻔 했어요

    자, 그렇다면 예상 질문과 함께 답변도 준비해 볼까요?

    [Q] Going to the dentist can be stressful. Are you afraid to visit the dentist? Have you ever had an
    unpleasant experience at a dental clinic?

    [Model Answer]
    Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been always afraid to visit the dentist because I hate the sound of the drill.
    Even thinking about going to a dental clinic makes me so nervous and scared. Also, the treatment usually costs too much!
    So, whenever I had to visit the dentist because of cavity or anything, I tried every excuse to get out of it and used to postpone
    my appointment with the dentist. I’ve had an unpleasant experience at a dental clinic many years ago. I visited the dentist to have
    a wisdom tooth pulled out. Since I was in a lot of pain, I had no other choice but to have it pulled out.
    It really hurt and I felt stressed. I remember I almost cried! That was an unpleasant experience at a dental clinic,
    and I will never forget that day.

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