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  • 20 Habits That Will Make 2020 Your Happiest, Healthiest Year
  • jskim | 2020.02.03 09:19
  • 20 Habits That Will Make 2020 Your Happiest, Healthiest Year



     Do you have bad habits? What are they?

    What good habits would make you happier?


     Just Do It

    Don’t procrastinate. Starting is not easy. It is best to just start and not waste time thinking about it. Don’t wait until tomorrow.


    Ask Someone to Hold You Accountable

    It is hard to make a new good habit. That is why it is good to have someone to help you. For example, an exercise partner or pay for a course. You need someone to push you.


    Keep Lots of Good Food in Your Kitchen

    Have healthy easy to eat foods. If it easy to find something to eat that is healthy then you will not need to eat junk food.


    Make Sleep a Priority

    Everyone is busy. But if you're trying to be healthier, nothing is more important that good sleep. Most people are sleep deprived each day. Good sleep means you also have better energy.


    Stop leaning over your phone

    There is a phrase called "text neck". This is when you get sore muscles from leaning over your phone too much and your body starts to look like a banana. You should hold your phone in front of your face when in use. This is better than looking down. It'll improve your posture, too.


    Change Bad for Good

    You don’t have to make big changes. Start by eliminating a few bad foods for example.  For example, eat healthy grapes and not ice-cream.


    Leave Work at Work

    It is not always easy, but you need downtime. Not checking your work emails after dinner is a good example.


    Find New Ways to Spend Time With Friends

    Your friends may have some habits you want to stop. And so it is easy to get off track with your goals to be healthy. Maybe you need to spend time with new friends or groups who don’t drink too much for example.


    Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold and match them with their closest meaning from the choices in the right. Some of the answers are very close and have similar meaning. The meaning of these words is how they are used in the reading. Some of these words have different meanings in the dictionary depending on how they are used.

     The answers are below the table.






    The most important thing to do, the first thing that you must do

    Hold You Accountable



    Describes how straight your body is




    To be lazy and not do what you should do because you are wasting time




    To lose your way, to no longer be on target to achieve something




    Relax time, free time




    To destroy, to remove




    To not allow, to take away, to be poor and not have

    off track



    To make you be responsible for your actions


    A=3, B=8, C=1, D=7, E=2, F=6, G=5, H=4



    Some example sentences using the new words or phrases from the meaning of how they are used in the reading to help you understand better.


    1. You are wasting time playing computer games and not studying. Stop procrastinating.

    2. The investors hold the CEO and other executives accountable for the success of the company.

    3. At the airport, first class passengers go into a priority line.

    4. People in poor countries are deprived of good education and healthcare.

    5. Yoga teaches good posture.

    6. After losing in the quarter finals they were eliminated from the competition.

    7. We have two weeks of downtime between this job and the next one.

    8. He got off track and became lazy, but now he is working hard again and is on track to succeed.




    Some questions using the new words/phrases. Try to use the words/phrases in your answer.


    1. Do you procrastinate? How can you /someone procrastinate less?

    2. Who would you ask/use to hold you accountable to do something? How should they tell you to be on track again if you went off track?

    3. What are your life priorities?

    4. Are you sleep deprived? If you are, what can you do to change this? What can people do?

    5. Why is good posture good? How much should we be worried about posture?

    6. What bad habits do you want to eliminate?

    7. If you have downtime what do you want to do?

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