Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 조깅/걷기 질문 및 답변 (1)
  • eckedu | 2011.10.18 09:47
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc
    #27. 조깅/걷기 질문 및 답변 (1)
    안녕하세요 여러분,
    오늘의 질문은 다음과 같습니다.
    How often do you go for a jog? , 얼마나 자주 조깅을 하러 가느냐는 질문인데요, 앞서 살펴본 전략을 잘 기억해서 적용해 볼까요?
    How often do you go for a jog? When and where do you usually jog?
    Model Answer)
    I usually go jogging once or twice a week on average. When I go for a jog on the weekdays during the day, I like to go to a park near my house because it takes only 10 minutes to get there on foot. I’m usually busy with my studies during the week, so it’s good for me to go jogging to the nearest park when I need to save time. I usually jog for 30 minutes in the morning before I get ready for school. That really helps me feel fresh and start a good day. Since I go jogging early in the morning, I usually go for a jog alone on weekdays. However, I also like to go jogging to a big park with my mom on weekends. My mom is into jogging these days, so we usually spend time together jogging along the river on Sunday morning. When I jog at a big park with my mom, it’s less boring and I can enjoy the beautiful view of the park as well. Since I have been jogging at the park for the last 5 years, I feel very comfortable when I jog there.
    위의 모범 답변에서와 같이 조깅을 하는 횟수를 가장 먼저 언급한 후, 주중에는 어디서 조깅하는지 설명하고 이어서 주말에 조깅을 하는 장소를 이야기 합니다. 이때 기억할 점은, 왜 그 장소에서 조깅하는 것을 좋아하는지 이유를 덧붙이고 또한 누구와 함께 언제 얼마나 오랫동안 조깅을 하는지도 부연설명을 한다면 알찬 답변이 되겠네요. 참고하세요!
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