Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 패션3
  • hsg | 2016.10.20 18:24

  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc 
    #324. OPIc ( 패션 3 )   
    안녕하세요 여러분이번에는 과거와 현재의 패션이 어떻게 변화했는지 묻는 질문에 대한 답변 연습을 함께 해 보겠습니다오픽에서 자주 출제되는 질문 유형이죠과거와 현재의 차이점인데요패션에서의 차이점을 설명할 때 과거의 패션을 구체적으로 묘사하기 어렵다면과거에는 패션에 관심이 없었기에 그 당시의 패션 경향을 잘 알지 못한다고 답변해도 괜찮습니다그런 다음현재의 패션은 어떠한 지 자세히 묘사하면 되겠죠과거에는 학생이었기에 교복을 입고 다녀서 패션에 관심이 없었다고 설명해 보세요.그리고 패션을 묘사할 때 여성들의 화장 또한 설명해도 좋습니다요즈음에는 예전보다 훨씬 더 자연스러운 화장을 선호한다고 언급해 보세요
    유용한 표현 – 과거와 현재의 패션 변화 ]
    be interested in ~에 관심이 있는
    rarely 좀처럼 ~하지 않다
    as far as I remember 내가 기억하는 바로는
    baggy 헐렁한
    tight-fitting clothes 딱 붙는 옷
    have a good sense of style 패션 감각이 좋다
    그렇다면 예상 질문과 함께 답변도 준비해 볼까요?
    [Q] Tell me about the changes in fashion trends in your country. How is the fashion in the past different from the current fashion? 
    [Model Answer]
    When I was young, I wasn’t interested in fashion at all, so I rarely remember the fashion trends in the past. I was required to wear a school uniform when I was in middle and high school, so I didn’t care about wearing or buying trendy outfits. But I’ll try to remember what other people liked to wear in the past. As far as I remember, my mother used to wear big round glasses and had her hair perm. Also, most of her pants were baggy and too long. Her dress was long and oversized. So, I guess that kind of style was the trend in the past. I would say that the fashion in the past was so different from the current fashion. Nowadays, people wear tight-fitting clothes and skinny jeans. Young people are very chic and stylish and it seems like they have a good sense of style. They put on a light makeup and their hair looks natural. I can see many men wearing leather backpacks to keep their hands free and it’s not too difficult to find stylish men on the street. So, I think that there is a big difference between the fashion in the past and the current fashion.

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