Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 패션2
  • hsg | 2016.10.14 09:51

  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc 

    #323. OPIc ( 패션 2 )   
    안녕하세요 여러분이번에는 패션과 관련된 질문 중 우리 나라 사람들이 어떻게 옷을 입는 지에 대한 답변 연습을 해 보겠습니다우리나라 사람들의 패션도 다른 여느 선진국들과 크게 다를 바가 없죠때와 장소에 맞춰 입으며 
    회사에 갈 때에는 정장 차림을 하지만집안에서는 편안한 옷을 입는다고 설명하면 되겠습니다한 가지 덧붙여도 
    좋을 내용은 연세가 있으신 분들은 자주 산에 가시는데이러한 등산복 차림으로 여행을 다니기도 한다는 점은 
    다른 나라와 다르다고도 설명할 수 있겠네요.

    유용한 표현 – 우리 나라 사람들의 패션]

    dress appropriately for the occasion 때에 맞게 옷을 입다
    dress up 옷을 차려 입다
    hiking wear 등산복
    그렇다면 예상 질문과 함께 답변도 준비해 볼까요?

    [Q] I’d like to know the kinds of clothes people typically wear in your country. What do they wear at home? How is it different from what they wear at work? Please describe it in detail.
    [Model Answer]
    Clothing styles in Korea are similar to those in other countries. People dress appropriately for the occasion. When relaxing at home, most people wear comfortable clothes such as T-shirts, shorts or sweatpants. 
    When going to work, people wear formal clothes. Since most major big companies have their dress codes, 
    male employees are expected to wear suits and female employees also wear formal clothes like skirt and a blouse. Business people want to look more professional and that’s the reason they dress up in formal clothes. One thing noticeable in Korea is that you can see many elder people wearing colorful hiking wear on the street. The most popular outdoor activity among elder people is go hiking, so they have good hiking wear. 
    Even when they go on a domestic trip or travel abroad, they tend to wear those colorful clothes for hiking. 
    You can easily find a group of people taking a photo in similar colorful clothes for hiking. I heard that some foreigners wonder why they are in hiking wear during the trip and I understand it might look strange to people in foreign countries. 

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