Speaking TIP
게시글 수  |  365             관련 강좌 수  |  169
  • [OPIc] 계절4
  • hsg | 2016.09.30 10:54

  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc 

    #321. OPIc ( 계절 4 )   

    안녕하세요 여러분오늘은 과거의 날씨와 요즘의 날씨가 어떻게 달라졌는지를 묻는 질문을 함께 알아 보겠습다
    오픽에서 자주 출제되는 질문 유형이죠. ‘과거와 현재의 비교’ 유형 입니다과거의 날씨는 어땠는지
    현재의 날씨와 어떻게 다른지 명확하게 차이점이 드러나는 점을 예로 들어 답변을 하면 좋겠습니다
    예를 들어서예전에는 일년 사계절이 뚜렷했는데 요즘의 날씨는 봄은 너무 짧고 가을 역시 마찬가지죠
    이러한 이야기들을 어떻게 알찬 답변으로 만들 수 있을 지 함께 살펴볼까요

    유용한 표현 – 과거와 현재의 날씨 비교 ]

    four distinct seasons 뚜렷한 사계절
    yellow dust 황사 
    be caught in a shower 소나기를 만나다 
    as a result of ~의 결과로
    global warming 지구 온난화 
    a price to pay 치뤄야 할 대가

    그렇다면 예상 질문과 함께 답변도 준비해 볼까요?

    [Q] Many people feel that the weather was different when they were children. Have you noticed a change in the weather over the years? Was it different when you were young?

    [Model Answer]

    When I was a child, we used to have four distinct seasons in Korea. 
    We could enjoy warm spring weather from March to May, but nowadays I feel that we have lost the season 
    of spring. When the winter is over and spring comes, it gets hot too soon and feels like summer has already started. In the past, I remember we weren’t afraid of yellow dust. However, yellow dust has blown in from
    China these days and people avoid outdoor activities whenever yellow dust shows up. Also, I feel like every summer is hotter than the last one. 
    When I was a child, the summers were not that hot. These days, however, the temperature has risen and there are more times when we are caught in a shower on a sunny day. 
    Besides that, winter lasts longer than in the past, and it’s cold even in the beginning of April. 
    We have seen increasing temperatures and climate changes as a result of global warming. 
    Well, I think there’s a price to pay for what people have done to the environment so far, but I do miss those old times when we had distinct beautiful four seasons.

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