Speaking TIP
게시글 수  |  365             관련 강좌 수  |  169
  • [TOEIC SPEAKING] Part 5 - Q7
  • Emma | 2014.07.30 13:31
  • 이귀숙 강사의 TOEIC SPEAKING


    #211. TOEIC SPEAKING ( Part 5 – Q7 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 한번 볼까요?


    [ Q 10]

    Hello, this is Margaret Hans from publicity. As you know from the meeting last week, the company has decided to hold a family picnic for the employees and their families next month. And I have been chosen to arrange all matters related to this event. But as this is the first time for me, I am calling you to ask for some advice because you were in charge of the event last year. There are many things to decide such as the place, games, and food for the event. I'd appreciate it if you could give some detailed advices for the event this year. Once again this is Margaret Hans and you can reach me at extension 7. Thanks.


    회사에서 직원 야유회를 기획하는데 그 업무를 처음으로 맡게 되어서 전에 담당했던 직원에게 조언을 구하는 메시지 입니다. 어떠한 조언을 해 줄 수 있을까요? 우선 장소 선정, 일정, 점심 제공 등과 관련해 정보를 줄 수 있겠네요. 작년에 담당했을 때 작성해 놓은 파일을 전송해 주겠다고도 할 수 있겠죠.



    [ Model Answer ]


    Hello, Margaret. I got your message about the company picnic. You said that you are in charge of organizing the family picnic for the employees and need to get some advice from me. Yes, I arranged the picnic last year and I hope I can be some help for you. Well, you’d better decide on the location first. After that, check how many are going to attend the picnic. Maybe you can email the employees to ask if they are going to attend or not. Also, you need to make a reservation for a restaurant or lunch boxes in advance. I still have files related to the company picnic last year and I can e-mail you with the files. I hope you find it useful. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me any time. Good luck!


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