Speaking TIP
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  • [TOEIC SPEAKING] Part 5 - Q5
  • Emma | 2014.07.30 13:15
  • 이귀숙 강사의 TOEIC SPEAKING


    #209. TOEIC SPEAKING ( Part 5 – Q5 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 한번 볼까요?


    [ Q 10]

    Good afternoon. My name is Walter Johnson, and I'm calling to complain about an item that I recently purchased. I ordered an MP3 player from your website five days ago, but when it arrived at my home, I discovered that you had sent me the wrong item. I ordered the Elite electronics Deluxe MP3 Player, but I received an older model, which is not nearly as good as the deluxe version. I'd like to exchange the item that you sent me for the one that I ordered, but I'm not exactly sure how I should do this. I'd appreciate it if you called me at 842-0056 sometime before six o'clock today. My name is Walter Johnson. Thanks for your time.


    웹사이트에서 제품을 주문했는데 잘못 배송되어 온 내용입니다. 구형 모델이 배송되어 왔는데 교환을 원하지만 어떻게 하는지 모르겠다고 하죠. 이 문제는 어떻게 해결하면 되나요? 우선 오배송에 대해 사과를 한 후 원래 주문했던 제품을 특급 우편으로 다시 보내주겠다고 하면 문제 해결이 됩니다. 또한 한 가지 잊지 말아야 할 점은, 잘못 배송된 제품을 다시 보내달라고 부탁해야 한다는 점이죠. 그렇지 않으면 제품 2개를 보내 주는게 되니까요. 물론 배송비는 회사에서 부담하겠다고 하면 되겠습니다. 추가로 금전적인 보상을 해주겠다면 다음 번 구매 시 적용 가능한 할인 쿠폰도 동봉하겠다고 답변해도 좋겠네요.



    [ 필수 표현 ]


    * enclose 동봉하다


    [ Model Answer ]


    Hello, Mr. Johnson, this is Sue calling. I got your message about our mistake with the delivery. You said that you ordered an MP3 player, but received a different product. First of all, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. After checking into the situation, I found out that an employee from the delivery division made a mistake. We will send you the right one that you ordered by express mail this afternoon, and you will be able to get it by tomorrow. Also, we will enclose a 40% discount coupon for your next purchase to apologize for the inconvenience. Could you please put the item you received into the box and send it back to us? The delivery fee is of course free. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to keep serving you in the future. Thank you.


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