Speaking TIP
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  • [TOEIC SPEAKING] Part 5 - Q15
  • Emma | 2014.09.11 11:12
  • 이귀숙 강사의 TOEIC SPEAKING


    #221. TOEIC SPEAKING ( Part 5 – Q15 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 한번 볼까요?


    [ Q 10]

    Hello, my name is Jamie Fisher and I bought a shirt from your store this morning. I was going to wear it to a party tonight. However, when I unpacked the shirt, I was surprised to find a stain. It is located right under a sleeve so it’s not easy to find but it’s quite noticeable once I wear it. Since there were too many people at the store this morning, I guess I couldn’t check the shirt thoroughly enough. Now, I know that all your items purchased during the sale season cannot be refunded or exchanged. However, this stain is too severe, that I really think you should let me exchange it for a new one. I have the receipt and it’s been only 2 hours since I purchased the item. So, please check and let me know what I should do with this shirt. My number is 928-2938. Thank you.


    상점에서 옷을 아침에 샀는데 집에 와서 보니 소매 아래에 얼룩이 있다고 하죠. 세일 때 산 품목은 교환 및 환불이 안되는 걸 알고 있지만 구매한 지 2시간도 채 되지 않았기에 교환해 줄 수 있는 지 묻고 있습니다. 어떻게 해결 해 줄 수 있을까요? 우선 제품에 하자가 있는 점에 대해 사과를 한 후, 원래는 교환이 안되지만 제품의 하자 건이기 때문에 교환해 준다고 할 수 있겠네요. 뿐만 아니라, 자신들의 잘못이므로 보상으로 할인 쿠폰도 함께 주겠다고 하면 문제 해결이 되겠습니다.


    [유용한 표현]

    defective 하자있는, 결함있는

    give a discount coupon 할인 쿠폰을 주다


    [ Model Answer ]

    Hello, Jamie, this is Sue from SK clothing Store. I got your message and I’m returning your call about the defective shirt. You said you bought the shirt this morning, but found a stain under a sleeve, and you’d like to exchange it. I am so sorry for the low quality. Since the shirt is defective, we can of course exchange it for a new one. Please drop by our store with the item and the receipt, and then we will exchange the shirt for a clean new one. That way, you will be able to wear it to the party tonight. Also, to compensate you, we will give you a 10% discount coupon for your next purchase. You can get the coupon at the counter when you visit us to exchange the shirt. Once again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any other question, please call me anytime. Thank you.

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