Speaking TIP
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  • [OPIc] 롤플레이 – 전화로 질문하기 22
  • Emma | 2014.10.29 13:06
  • 이귀숙 강사의 OPIc


    #234. OPIc ( 롤플레이  전화로 질문하기 22 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 함께 볼까요?


    [ Q ] I’m sorry but there is a problem you need to resolve. You want to have a party for your sister’s birthday. Unfortunately, your sister is going to work a night shift today, so you can’t have the party. Call your mother and discuss what you can do for her birthday.


    여동생의 생일 파티를 열어주려 했는데 동생이 오늘 야근을 하게 되었다고 하네요. 어머니에게 전화를 걸어 동생의 생일 파티를 어떻게 하면 될지 의논하라는 질문입니다. , 어떻게 해결하면 될까요? 우선 전화를 걸어 상황을 설명해야겠죠? 그런 다음 다른 방안을 논의하면 되겠습니다 어떠한 방법이 있을까요? 오늘이 안되면 다른 날로 정하면 되겠죠. 혹은 사무실에 깜짝 방문해서 저녁을 함께 먹는 방법도 있을 수 있네요.


    [ 필수 표현 ]

    * work a night shift 야근하다

    * have no idea 전혀 모르고 있다

    * come up with ~을 제안하다

    * throw a party 파티를 열다


    , 그렇다면 질문에 대한 체계적인 답변을 만들어 볼까요?


    [ Model Answer ]


    Hi, Mom. I’m calling you because I have a problem with the birthday party we were planning to. I just talked to Amy and found out that she needs to work a night shift today! She had no idea that we were planning to throw a birthday party for her tonight, so I didn’t say anything about that. What should we do? Well, I’ve come up with some other plans. How about having a party this birthday instead? She will be pretty tired after work, so I think we’d better throw a party for her this Saturday. That way, we can invite some of her friends as well. Or, why don’t we go visit her office this evening and have dinner together? She will be able to make some time for dinner with us no matter how busy she is. Okay, that sounds great! Then, I’ll see you at 6pm! I can’t wait! See you then, Mom!

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