Speaking TIP
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  • [TOEIC SPEAKING] Part 5 - Q19
  • Emma | 2014.10.16 16:02
  • 이귀숙 강사의 TOEIC SPEAKING


    #231. TOEIC SPEAKING ( Part 5 – Q19 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 한번 볼까요?


    [ Q 10]

    Hi, my name is Cindy Smith. I was on fliht AX102 from New York to Las Vegas. I arrive at the airport at 1pm. The reason I am calling is for my suitcase. I believe I left my suitcase in the overhead compartment inside the airplane. The suitcase is made of leather and the color is black. I put several documents and they are very important for my work. Could you please call me when you find my suitcase? My number is 555-1293. I would appreciate it if you could help me.  


    뉴욕에서 라스베가스 행 비행기를 타고 내렸는데 여행 가방을 기내에 두고 내린 것 같다고 하죠. 업무에 중요한 서류들이 들어있기에 찾아야 하는데 발견하면 연락을 달라고 합니다. 어떻게 해결해주면 될까요? 여행 가방을 다행이 찾아서 분실물 센터에 보관 중이니 직접 찾으러 오시던지 특급 메일로 발송해 주겠다고 할 수 있겠네요. 다만, 이 경우에 배송료는 직접 부담해야 한다는 조건을 제시해도 좋겠습니다.


     [유용한 표현]

    lost and found center 분실물 보관 센터

    at your convenience 당신이 편하신 시간에


    [ Model Answer ]

    Hello, Ms. Smith. This is Mike Toms from the airport. I got your message about your missing briefcase. You said that you left your black leather suitcase inside the plane and wonder if we could find it. Well, I’m very happy to tell you that we have found your suitcase in the airplane. One of our flight attendants found the suitcase and now it is in the Lost and Found center at the airport. You can pick it up any time at your convenience. If you are away from the airport of can’t find time to visit us, we can send you the suitcase by express mail if you give us your address. However in this case, you are responsible for the shipping fee. Please let us know what is more convenient for you. Thank you. 

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