Speaking TIP
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  • [TOEIC SPEAKING] Part 5 - Q31
  • Emma | 2014.12.12 13:10
  • 이귀숙 강사의 TOEIC SPEAKING


    #247. TOEIC SPEAKING ( Part 5 – Q31 )   


    안녕하세요 여러분,

    오늘의 질문을 한번 볼까요?


    [ Q 10]

    Hi, this is Kay Moore, and I bought a new suit at your store last week. The sleeves were too long on the jacket, so I had the tailor at your store alter them. He fixed them, and I picked the suit up, but didn’t have time to try it on until now. And now I just put it on, and the sleeves are too short now! I have a job interview early next week, and that’s why I bought this suit. I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to wear this jacket. Can you let me know what you can do with this problem? I really need something to wear to my job interview. Again, this is Kay Moore. Please call me as soon as you can at 555-3838.


    옷 가게에서 다음주 취업 면접을 위해 정장 한 벌을 구입하였는데 소매가 너무 짧아서 매장 내 재단사에게 수선을 맡겼다고 하네요. 수선 된 정장을 찾아와서 이제야 입어보니 이번에는 소매가 너무 짧아서 못 입게 되었다고 합니다. 면접에 입고 갈 옷이 없게 되었다는 뜻이니 이 문제를 어떻게 해결해 줄 수 있는지 물어보는 메시지 입니다., , 해결책은 무엇이 있을까요? 당연히 다시 수선을 해 주어야 겠지요. 재단사의 실수로 소매 수선이 잘못 되었으니 책임지고 다시 수선해주겠다고 약속해야 겠습니다. 또한, 면접이 다음 주 초라고 했으니 최대한 빨리 상점에 직접 오면 당일에 바로 수선해서 돌려드리겠다고 하면 되겠죠. 잊지 마세요. 이러한 해결책을 제시하기 이전에 우선 정중한 사과부터 해야 하겠습니다!

    , 그렇다면 함께 답변을 만들어 볼까요?


     [유용한 표현]

    alter 변경하다, 개조하다


    [ Model Answer ]

    Hello, Mr. Moore. This is Jeremy Ian and I’m the manager at the clothing store. I got your message about your jacket. You said that you had the tailor alter the sleeves, but now they are too short to wear it to the job interview. First of all, I’m terribly sorry about that. I guess something was mixed up and the tailor made a mistake. Since I understand you have a job interview early next week, I would suggest you brining the suit back to our store as soon as you can. We can definitely fix the sleeves the way you like them and you will be able to pick it up by the end of the day. If it is not possible to fix the sleeves again, we will give you a new jacket and alter the sleeves to fit you right. Once again, I apologize for the mistake and hope to see you soon at our store. Thank you.

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